WALK 4 LIFE – 2020 Part 1

Our Mission:
Continuing to Watch God Work
Friday night after the Walk, the total amount raised was $61,603.31. Now a week later, the newest updated total is $65,122.31. Two weeks later the total is at $70,164.67. God is continuing to work the Walk. Earlier this week we shared with you some of the special gifts God gave the staff during the Walk. Here are some more of those priceless gifts He bestowed upon the staff during the Walk:

*One staff member was here walking with her mother and her child. That may not seem so unusual or special to you but what they talked about as they walked around the track was. This staff member was once a client here and she came wanting an abortion. She found out about CPC a few years ago through her mother, who also came to CPC wanting an abortion when she was pregnant with the staff member. What an awesome testimony to have all three generations walking the track together when it came so close to stopping with that first generation. What a sweet gift to hear the words “So I thank you for what CPC does and for being here for both me and my mom.”

*As one staff member stood by the entrance to the track, he heard a small boy ask a question about all the flags. The boy asked, in his own sweet words, what would happen to all the babies represented by the flags if nothing was done. He wanted to know if they would die. To hear the concern in this child’s voice for these babies was almost more that the staff member could comprehend. The staff member was thankful that another staff member also heard the little boy’s questions and stooped down to truthfully answer him in a caring and loving way.
*There was a woman here with her 3 children. She is currently homeless and staying in a shelter. She started going to Elevation Church recently and heard about the Walk. She wanted to come. As a staff member talked with her, she found out that this woman was a previous client of CPC. What touched the staff member so much is that, even in this woman’s circumstances in which she probably had nothing to give, she still came to walk and pray. And she taught her children about the sanctity of life!

*During the Walk, CPC still served clients curbside. One staff member floated between working the Walk and helping with the curbside clients. As she was helping curbside, she noticed a staff member and a volunteer praying for someone who had called in wanting an abortion. It occurred to her as she witnessed them praying that this was why we walk…to intercede for the pre-born and care for our clients. This, she says, exemplifies the feeling she had all day of the Peace of God enveloping the entire property here at CPC.
*We’ve mentioned how children touched us during the Walk. But the overall echo of those staff and board members who have young children of their own is how their children had the best time making and playing with new friends while at the Walk. It seems they didn’t miss the usual entertainment at all. The opportunity for teachable moments to explain the beauty of all life, both born and unborn, were readily embraced as well. What a great time for building up family and friends!
And we all sing together:

“Our God is an awesome God.He reigns from heaven abovewith wisdom, power and love.Our God is an awesome God.”

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