WALK 4 LIFE – 2020 Part 2

Our Mission:
Continuing to WatchGod Work

So this year, our Walk for Life was a little bit different. But different is not a bad thing. In fact, this year, not only was our final total amount raised more than any previous year – $61,603.31, but we as a staff were witness to God working the Walk Himself. As He worked, He blessed us with priceless gifts that looked like this when we unwrapped them:

*A lady stopped by Friday during the Walk to ask about what we were doing. After hearing about CPC and what we do here, she asked if she could come back Saturday to pray for us. As Dr. Overbey arrived Saturday to bring some signs back, he saw this lady sitting in her car with her well-worn Bible praying the Scriptures over CPC and the flags and crosses that grace the front lawn.

*A gentleman arrived early Friday morning to walk and pray for the many babies represented by the flags and crosses. After a while, as he was leaving, a staff member thanked him for coming. His reply: “I have to go and work for a little bit, but I’ll be back soon to pray some more.” True to his word, he returned and went straight to the track.

*In previous years, we have had to depend on many volunteers, a lot of them youth from area schools and churches, to help with the Walk. This year, because of the different set-up, volunteers weren’t as needed as before. What a joy to see that many of those same youth still showed up Friday – not to volunteer but to pray!

*One staff member was so excited when she saw a young couple helping out with the snow cones that she had noticed walking earlier. She went up to meet them and was pleased to learn that they are previous clients who are now expecting again. In talking with this couple, the staff member was joyfully reminded by them of how CPC had helped them come to know Christ as well as provide for their children’s needs. (The client had come through the curbside service Thursday, saw the preparations for the Walk and asked if she could come help out Friday.)

*Sitting at the registration table near the entrance to the parking lot, one staff was amazed at how many people stopped by just to see what was going on. They were so intrigued as they rode past that they had to stop. Many donated but none touched the folks at the registration desk as much as the young girl who insisted her mother turn around and bring her back once her mother explained what was going on. What this sweet young girl did next was nothing short of awesome. She handed over all of her birthday money that she had just received to help save the babies.

*With COVID bringing uncertainity along with the new look of our Walk for Life, there was a lot of apprehension as Friday approached. One staff member was especially concerned. But God, in His faithfulness and lovingkindness, gently spoke to her. He simply said to her “Just watch Me work”. And that she did – all day Friday. If you were here, you got to experience it as well.
And we all sing together:

“Our God is an awesome God.He reigns from heaven abovewith wisdom, power and love.Our God is an awesome God.”
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