Walk 4 LIFE 2020 Part 3

Our Mission: Continuing to Watch God Work
The night of the Walk, the total amount raised was $61,603.31. Now 2 weeks later, the newest updated total is $71,294.33. Amazing! God is continuing to work the Walk. Below is one more story, one more of those priceless gifts He bestowed upon the newest member of the staff during the Walk:   *The day started as I drove up into the driveway of CPC-Main. My breath was taken away by the awesomeness of the field with the pink and blue flags, the walking track, the crosses, the luminary bags. It was 7:30 am in the morning. I usually come early to do a Bible study before the day begins. It was so exciting to already see people there working, preparing and actually see someone already walking the track praying.My first thought: I missed it! I didn’t help them put it together and it looks so beautiful! Gathering my things, I hurry to go inside and prepare for the day to be ready for the morning prayers, thinking I haven’t done my Bible study yet and I don’t have a word for today!After morning prayers, work started early. Ultrasound appointments were there early. It was going to be a busy day!Each and every woman who walks through those doors are in a state of crisis. And all you can do is pray that God will give you wisdom to help each individual person. As the day progressed, it just seemed that everything was getting tighter: clients back-to-back, no time for lunch. I remember sitting there for just a brief moment thinking everyone’s outside celebrating and I’m stuck in here! Even my husband had arrived and I couldn’t even go out and spend time with him!And then a cancellation and I remember thinking “Thank you God. I really want to go outside and play! Celebrate and pray for the babies!” But just a few minutes after the cancellation I got the word from Meg that there was an abortion-minded mother who was scheduled for next week but they wanted to get her in if we had a cancellation. Meg had already booked the appointment. My heart sank and I thought I’m not even caught up on my charting and I’m still learning. I just gotta get it together! And within a few minutes, the girl was there early!And then my heart grips me with fear and anxiety. I began to pray and I repent immediately and ask God for forgiveness because here’s another baby, a child that a mother is thinking about murdering and she doesn’t even know that she’s doing it because it’s not taught that way in our world. In this society, it’s just a piece of tissue. She has no idea she’s contemplating to crush the heart of her only child, to stamp out its life in a heartbeat.And now it’s time – the warfare begins. A spiritual warfare that you cannot understand unless you are standing against evil. Against invisible things in high places! Who’s to say this baby isn’t going to be the next Billy Graham or Sister Teresa! Tears are coming to my eyes. Only God knows.After what seemed an endless time of prayer and double teaming with Leslie and prayers and more prayers, you could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and God moving as another mother decides to keep her child. And prayed to rededicate her life!When the client final left, it was 3 o’clock. I was thinking it’s my birthday today, it’s my anniversary, my husband is outside! I quickly got changed, took my husband to town to pick up his birthday present, came back and immediately started working the front entrance to the track! Miss Kay Lord was explaining what all the flags meant, what the crosses meant and what the luminaries meant and my heart welled up. I thought “I didn’t even think of that”. I want to go get a hot dog because I had not eaten. So I went and got a Nathan’s chili double slaw dog – enjoying the people and the festivities and the celebration. Then, as I was walking back to the entrance of the track, a song by Keri Jobe, The Blessing, was on. I absolutely love that song and I started singing Amen! Amen! Amen!As I crossed the walking path to get to the first aid station, I stepped on the track and all of the sudden the Holy Spirit came over me and tears of brokenness began to flow down my cheeks as I realized that my twin grandbabies were in heaven because their mother had chosen to abort them just last year. My heart is breaking and then all of a sudden I heard the words to the song and it was saying “your children and their children” and I knew God was telling me, “Your grandbabies are here with me!” INSTANTLY I wondered if they could see me and the work I do and do they know I love them!! And that I fought for them. I cried and prayed for them, begging in my heart that their mother would choose life! I wanted to hold them so badly and the tears were painful. (I’m crying right now even thinking about it as I write this.) And I had to stop. I couldn’t walk. I just had to stop and listen to the song, standing in the track. People were walking past me. God just gripped my heart and said, “They know you love them. They see you and they’re proud of their grandma!”Then I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You got one today!” It was an overwhelming sense of power and light and presence surrounding me as I continued to walk along the track and I knew that we here at the CPC Walk on Holy Ground.   And we all sing together: “Our God is an awesome God.He reigns from heaven abovewith wisdom, power and love.Our God is an awesome God.”  And He said:  “Just watch Me work!”
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