
Volunteer Applicaton Rev 2022

Board of Directors: Serving on the board, you help to oversee the spiritual and financial well-being of the ministry. Responsible for maintaining stability and oversight in the direction of the ministry.

Intercessor: A person who commits to pray 15-30 minutes on a specific day of the week for staff, volunteers, and ministry needs.

Client Advocate: A person who has completed the Volunteer Training class and works one-on-one with clients. You will be trained to listen, educate, and provide a source of hope to clients that seek our services. We encourage a commitment to a 4-hour shift once a week for the crisis pregnancy client advocate.

Receptionist: A person who has completed the Volunteer Training class, and is responsible for greeting and checking in clients, making client appointments, performing simple office duties, answering and directing incoming calls.

Clothes Closet Volunteer: Works flexible hours pulling orders for clients and washing, folding, hanging, organizing, and mending donated maternity and baby clothing. There is also a need for individuals with sewing abilities to sew clothing for our clients.

Church Liaison: No special training required, just a willingness to represent this ministry to your local church fellowship. Liaisons help in promoting special events and needs of the Crisis Pregnancy Center and coordinate their churches’ involvement.

Special Events Development: Assist in the various fundraising events of the ministry. Requires short term commitments; work closely with Executive Director and staff members.

Maintenance Volunteer: Various tasks available: on a regular basis (dusting, cleaning the center, sweeping, mopping, mowing the lawn or making various repairs as needed.

Volunteer Training is held twice a year at CPC. Please be in prayer about how God can use you in ministry here. One of the things that impressed me about Crisis Pregnancy Center was the quality of training.

The manual used during training is dedicated to the women, men and families we serve and opens with these verses: “This is the ministry which God in His mercy has given us and nothing can daunt us. We have set our faces against all shameful, secret practices; we use no clever tricks, no dishonest manipulation of the Word of God. We speak the plain truth and so commend ourselves to every persons conscience in the sight of God…For it is Christ Jesus as Lord whom we preach, not ourselves; we are your servants for Jesus sake.” II Corinthians 4:1, 2, 5 (JBP)

The five week sessions are usually held on five consecutive Tuesdays. All classes are held here at the Center with evening sessions from 6:30 PM until 10:00 PM. All training sessions are open to any current volunteer who wants to refresh their understanding of the topics covered.

We also offer regular In-service training sessions. We focus on continuing our growth and knowledge of how we can better serve our clients.

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