I Think I am Pregnant

CPC exists to offer help and hope.

CPC offers free and confidential pregnancy tests as well as information about options and community referrals.

How do I know if I’m pregnant?

Signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman, and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. You may experience some, all or none of these symptoms.

Listed below are the most common symptoms of pregnancy. They include:

•missing a period
•a period with less bleeding or fewer days than usual
•swelling, tenderness or tingling in your breasts
•frequent urination
•nausea or vomiting
•feeling bloated or crampy
•increased or decreased appetite
•changes in digestion (constipation or heartburn)
•mood changes
•weight gain or loss

Most urine pregnancy tests, like the one used at CPC-Gaston, are sensitive enough to detect HCG (a hormone that is produced during the early stages of pregnancy) levels approximately 7-10 days after conception.

I’ve had a positive pregnancy test.
If you have had a positive home pregnancy test, but want confirmation, call our 24-hour helpline at 704-867-3706 to make an appointment. CPC can confirm your pregnancy, talk with you about your specific situation and give you any needed community referrals.

Call our 24-hour helpline at 704-867-3706.

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