Our goal of $120,000.00 was blown out of the water by raising $140,164.00 – with change. WOW! Our goal of $120,000.00 was exceeded again in 2022 with $153,463.69. AWESOME!!!
Once again, our goal of $122,000 was superseded in 2023 with $174,214.00!
Change for Change
From Mother’s Day until Father’s Day each year, we will be collecting silver change in baby bottles for a very special project:
- To help save the lives of unborn babies
- To provide Christian peer counseling to women facing an unplanned pregnancy
- To provide free pregnancy testing
- To provide information and support for men in relation to pregnancy issues
- To provide maternity and baby clothes (newborn to 18 months)
- To provide help in managing family relationships during pregnancy
- To provide free ultrasounds
- To provide an after-hours Helpline for information and appointments
- To provide abstinence education
- To provide Women/Teens Support groups
- To tell others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope that exists through Him.
How can your spare pocket change do ALL of the above and more?
By collecting your change for The Crisis Pregnancy Center of Gaston County from Mother’s Day, through Father’s Day, you can help change lives. This is a great project for the entire family. Please join us as we collect change in this fight for life and stand with us as we proclaim the truth of God’s Word!