Walk 4 Life 2024

September 6, 2024

2024 Pledge Form

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34th Annual WALK 4 LIFE

September 6, 2024
4:00-8:00 PM
For more information, call us at 704-867-3706
Email: meg.koontz.cpc@gmail.com

Dear Walk for Life Supporter,

Our Annual Walk for Life is quickly approaching.  The big day is Friday, September 6th.  We are so excited about the possibilities of seeing what God is going to do through each of you.  We want you to be a part of this year’s historic 34th Annual Walk for Life.  We are trusting in Him to pull this all together as only He can do.  It is totally in His hands!  Our foundational scripture this year is Isaiah 52:7 NIV:

“How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
‘Your God reigns!’”

We serve an unchanging GOD who is faithful in the middle of unique and trying times!

We will have hotdogs, popcorn, snow cones, and family friendly activities during the 4:00 – 7:30 pm time period.  We will have bottled water stations as we strive to offer a safe environment.

Our goal this year will be $70,000.  Yes, that’s a BIG number but we serve an even BIGGER GOD!

We will have free t-shirts available for anyone who raises at least $50.00. We encourage you to wear your Walk 4 Life shirt and walk in your neighborhood or greenway to promote the Walk 4 Life.

Strive to get your entire family and friends involved this year as we work together in spreading God’s love throughout Gaston County while saving the lives of our precious children!

Come be a part of the largest outdoor, pro-life gathering in Gaston County.

In seeking the Lord several years ago about the rationale for the WALK, I received an answer to: “ Why do we do it?” Here’s what I heard.

  • This is the primary time in Gaston County when the body of Christ stops to acknowledge, across racial, denominational, ethnic, and gender lines that we are all called by ONE to Choose Life and become “doers and not hearers only” of this calling.
  • The gathering of believers from all denominations will point to a future reality that says “we are many members, but one body” and somehow reminds us of what we have in common with our brothers and sisters and helps us forget, for a few hours, our differences.
  • The spirit of God present in the time of music and praise provides a worship atmosphere that will allow families to walk, the post abortive to be healed, our spirit to rejoice that something is being done to save life and by our examples to express to our little ones that this is a priority for us.
  • The luminaries along the track will slap you with the reality that abortion is happening to those you love, right here in Gaston County. The sobering fact of 528 abortions in Gaston County in 2022 (the latest stats available) means that more than one life per day was lost to this holocaust.
  • The crosses on the side of the hill will sober you as you remember that in North Carolina, many children die each day before seeing the light of day. In 2022 there were 79 abortions in our state per day.
  • The money that is raised enables the Crisis Pregnancy Center to continue the front line task of answering the call from so many hopeless, being there with free services, and sharing the compassion of Jesus Christ.

Every day we strive to live out our mission:

“The Crisis Pregnancy Center of Gaston County, Inc. affirms the value of life by compassionately sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and providing the following services: Pregnancy Counseling, Abstinence Education, Limited Ultrasounds and Various Other Medical Services, Post Abortion Counseling to women, men and families affected by crisis pregnancy situations, with the hope of changing lives.”

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