Our Mission Gets New Challenges

Our mission: Caring for the least among us.  Caring for  those who have no voice.  Caring for those who can’t speak for themselves.  God calls us to choose life and godless society keeps finding ways to end it. 

The obstacles are mounting daily.  For instance in the Supreme Court approved Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as ObamaCare, there are multiple provisions to end God given life with abortion.  Here’s a few:

  • Subsidies for health plans that include abortion in state exchanges.
  • The mandatory abortion fee that is at least $12 per year for all plans with abortion.
  • Allowing direct funding of abortion through direct spending in community health clinics.
  • No conscience protections against government discrimination against businesses, providers, health insurers who refuse abortion.
  • Religious freedom violation through the contraception/abortifacient mandate, which narrowly restricts religious liberties to churches.  Penalties for failure to comply could be $100 per day per employee (and insurer) who fails to offer “preventative care services”, meaning contraceptives, abortifacients and sterilizations free to the patient.

We truly are David with a slingshot in this battle.  But the giant was slain then and with God’s help and yours the forces against life will fall again.  You are helping us.  Thanks.  Bless you.

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