Let’s Save ALL the Children

Let’s Save ALL the Children…

Our hearts sank when we heard the news that was coming out of Lincolnton, NC on Sunday evening.  Two young children trapped beneath dirt that had fallen in on them.  Frantically, rescuers were called in to try and save these children from dying.  We were miles from the accident, it was dark, but if there were any way we could have helped we would have been there.

Unable to go, we decided to pray.  we prayed for the six and seven year old children, their safety, especially for their parents who were surely at their wit’s end wondering, hoping, praying, scared of what the result may be.  We prayed to a loving, caring God who had uniquely constructed the DNA of each of these precious children and asked that He take care of them.  We prayised God that He was in control.

We went to bed with the conversation of what we had just heard on our lips and discussions about how the parents must be feeling.  We woke up to listen to the news and still no recovery of the children and so we both ventured that the children were probably not alive.  We both went to work, spoke with colleagues and gathered to once again pray for the children.  Soon afterward, we heard the news and found out the kids were indeed, dead.

Your heart on April 8, 2013 and mine felt a collective loss of all the potential that these two young children held for our world and the influence they would exert on those around us.  Now, they were dead.  It is a tradegy.  It is beyond words.  When these realities come rushing in as these children died I raise this question.

So why can’t we save ALL the children?

Everyday at your local Crisis Pregnancy Center pro life folks are working with Moms and Dads who are being influenced by an evil influenced society to let their children die.  Parents, grandparents, boyfriends tell their children to get rid of it, that you don’t want to burden yourself with a child.  But, we all know now that it is not a fetus or blob, it’s a baby.

We go there to a life giving place, staff, volunteers, constitutents and work and pray to save ALL the children.  Some are saved.  We pray daily that God would let us be His hands and feet and voice to rescue those who are being sentenced to death by our own greed.

We have nothing to hide.  Unlike Planned Parenthood where six foot fences are installed, and barriers erected with cameras, we have an open door for those who come to share their stories.  We don’t charge for any of our services and offer freely all that we have to give.  We have ultrasound to show life, rather than measure a baby to know how much to charge for an abortion like Planned Parenthood.

We leave work often knowing that God is in control and prayer is our only recourse.  So we pray, that God would save ALL the children through us.  Pray with us.

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